
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

drum roll...

This is an official announcement to the world that Dane and I are expecting our first baby!! we are absolutely thrilled!! it was definitely something that we were wanting but leaving into the Lords hands on the right timing for our little family.  When i started noticing that i was late and pregnancy could be an option i was secretly freaking out! How could this happen to me? Its not the right timing, how are we going to do this? but slowly my little fears have been calmed and I'm starting to get excited! as of today I'm 13 weeks and 2 days along. i will admit that this pregnancy has been one of the hardest thing i have ever had to go through, although I'm trying every day to remind myself that this is an experience of a life time and that in the end i will be so grateful for this experience but right now its so miserable! i have been sick like this in the past but nothing like this that NEVER goes away! it has been full of throwing up multiple times through the day and night, losing 10 pounds with in a week and half, hating to eat food, not being able to enjoy anything, everyday consist of work and going straight to bed, migraines like I've never experienced before and lots of emotional times! ha ha but i cant tell Dane thank you enough, if it wasn't for him i don't know what i would do! he cooks, cleans, does laundry, grocery shops on top of his full time school, coaching and working part time. He even goes to bed early most times with me, and wakes up in the middle of the night to take care of me.  it has been a blessing that my work has been willing to work with me and lets me come in a little later and for the most part i can make my schedule doing the hair thing. I'm so grateful for modern day medicine that sometimes helps, im excited to start using essential oils that i get on wednesday that are amazing that will hopefully ease the nausea. so we'll see how the rest of this pregnancy goes :)

It has been fun to share the news with our families.  we told my parents and some of the older kids when my little brother Austin called home when he was at the airport leaving the mtc and heading to the phillipines, towards the end of his phone call we told him that he is going to be an uncle! and my mom freaked out! haha my dad was speechless for a couple days.haha it was an unreal feeling to announce to them but it was a fun reaction.  then we told Danes parents at the all boys birthday party and at the end dane had a frame wrapped up with the #12 on it because our baby will be grand baby #12! it was fun to tell them. Then when i told my grandparents and extended family, it was my grandpas birthday party and we wrote him a creative card to tell them that they are going to be great grandparents for the first time! everyone freaked out and it was a fun reaction from all of them!


  1. YEAH FOR PREGNANCY!!!! Im so exited for you! You are going to make the best little mom! I hope you start feeling better soon! Its so worth it in the end!

  2. Kelsey congrats! Im so so excited for you two. I'm sorry you're so sick, but it will all be worth it when you feel the baby move for the first time. Yay!

  3. CONGRATS! That's wonderful news! Feel better soon!

  4. Kelssyyy so cute :) i love you girl!! if you ever need a break from work to take a nap or eat ... come over!!

  5. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!! Congrats, you guys!!!! That is so awesome! I hope the sickness only lasts for the first trimester so you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy! You guys will be great parents! Congrats again!!!!!!

  6. Kelsey! How exciting! I was going to say the exact thing Janelle said! :)

  7. Congrats Kelsey! I'm super excited for you and Dane! What a great mother you'll be! Life is Good :)

  8. Congrats!!! That is so exciting! Hopefully the sickness doesn't last long. Can't wait to see cute belly pics. Congrats!!

  9. Wow!!! That is so great! You will be a wonderful mommy:)
