
Monday, October 10, 2011

17 weeks and counting

I am overwhelmed with so many thoughts and feelings of being pregnant at the moment.  I am so sick at the moment i couldn't make it into work so as i lay here thinking i don't know how to describe in words how I'm feeling.  i finally have made it to 17 weeks on Friday and am so excited to find out the gender of our little "it".  Dane Counts down every day till we get to find out on the 31st it is so fun to see him get so excited! all week long i have been feeling almost great minus the wonderful heartburn, but we were jumping for joy that the sickness is over.This week i got so much done, i cooked dinner, cleaned the house, i organized so much stuff that has been sitting in piles the last 4 months, decorated the house for fall, ran errands, worked with lots of energy all 6 days, went out to dinner and crafted with Michelle! it was so GREAT!!  until i got sick again yesterday and it brings back the memories i tried to forget all of the awfulness of being sick! Although i was informed that as we count the weeks of pregnancy, i guess i have to give myself a 2 week window of not really being that far along due to the doctors not really knowing when the baby was conceived. it was great to hear this that maybe i wont be one of those ladies that are sick their whole pregnancy, but it would have been nice to know this along time ago so I'm not counting down the days till the next week with so much hope! So i guess the fingers are crossed and my prayers are slowly being answered that once 20 weeks come this can be over and we can start really getting ready for you little one to join our family! Even though you little baby are making your mom so sick we are thrilled to meet you! we have so much love waiting to share with you! Your dad cant wait to hold you and he is even making sure we get your crib and things all perfect for you! Weather or not your going to be his little football player he is so excited to teach you all he knows!! i can honestly say even through the sickness and the negativity that tends to come with it this will all be worth it and may be happening for reasons we don't know, but come what may and love it!


  1. !!!!!!!! i cant wait for your 20 wk apt!!!!!!!

  2. awww boo kel! i'm sorry you are feelin poopy again today! what the heck kind of a trick is your preggo body playin on you.
    i'm glad we got together and got craftin done during you're good streak though! i hope you feel better tomorrow! and seriously.. if you're already at work and needa crash.. come over :) love you friend! that babeh doesn't know how lucky SHE is.... ;)

  3. I'm so sorry you have been so sick =[. I can't wait for you guys to find out the gender! Feel better hunny!
